Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Top 2016 US Presidential Issues

Top 2016 US Presidential Issues
January 06, 2015 |
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The 2016 elections now beckon, with potential candidates already angling to present themselves as viable candidates ahead of time, while riding the coattails of the failures of the current political administration led by U.S President Barack Obama. Indications are that self-identified evangelical Christians, who are estimated to have comprised 51 percent of all the votes cast in 2012, will form a vital and formidable voting bloc for any Republican presidential candidate.

A recent article by Joel C. Rosenberg (co-authored with Penny Nance and Ralph Reed) in the Flashtrafficblog argues in the 2014-midterm elections, a survey showed that Christian conservatives and Evangelicals comprised 32 percent of the electorate, voting 86 percent Republican and 12 percent for Democratic candidates. They were the largest and most vibrant single voting bloc in the midterm electorate, larger than the African-American vote, Hispanic vote, union vote, and “gay” vote combined. Coupled with the fact that Evangelicals are known to dominate the vote in early caucus and primary states like Iowa and South Carolina, it’s no wonder that Republican nomination contenders are wasting no time in starting to court the evangelical bloc.

How then should evangelicals choose and vote in 2016? Rosenberg et al share what they believe are some critical basic principles that should guide the selection process. They concur with the belief that a great leader, in addition to having solid moral character and being above reproach, has two essential tools: a compass, and a magnet. A compass represents a clear sense of direction, an understanding of the enormous challenges ahead as well as a broad vision carefully thought-through plan to achieve it.

A great leader is also said to have a magnet, with a ‘winsome capacity’ to draw, persuade and inspire people onto their team from across the entire spectrum of society, while connecting empathetically with them. This quality is essential not only to winning elections, but to governing. Such a leader also needs to have the wisdom, experience, and deep personal resolve to steer America back to greatness both locally and abroad. Otherwise America’s state of decline will degenerate into outright collapse. But above all, America needs the help of Divine Providence through ‘a new Great Awakening’ of spiritual, social and sweeping national revivals that will lead to transformation at all levels with the help of God as Americans faithfully do their part in electing their next leaders.

The report asserts that the following criteria form the recommended essential qualities/priority objectives for the next American president. He/she:

• Truly understands and can explain the increasingly precarious position in which America finds itself;
• Will lay out a bold but realistic set of reforms at the federal level to lead American renewal at home and abroad;
• Will focus Washington like a laser on the urgent priorities for which the federal government has clear Constitutional authority, and entrust the rest to the States and the American people in keeping with the 10th Amendment;
• Will set aside petty partisanship and politics-as-usual sniping and bring the people, Congress, and the States together behind honest, principled, commonsense solutions;
• Can inspire and encourage the American people through the long and challenging process of reform, and simultaneously rebuild trust with our friends and allies around the world;
• Truly understands that America was built with the help of Divine Providence, needs God’s help to rebuild and revive this “shining city on a hill,” and will not be afraid to speak to the importance of religious faith and freedom in the history of the American Experiment.

Rosenberg et al state that specifically, Evangelicals will be evaluating each candidate for president on at least seven critical sets of issues (summarized extracts below):

1. LIFE— What position and track record does the candidate hold on the issues of the sanctity of life: abortion, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and the rationing of care to the elderly, disabled, and infirm?
2. MARRIAGE— What position does the candidate hold on the vital social and enculturating institution of marriage? Does he or she have proven, consistent experience defending and promoting marriage as a sacred union between one man and one woman?
3. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY—Does he or she have proven consistent experience defending religious freedom? As president, how will he or she advance this issue in light of current and growing assaults?
4. NATIONAL SECURITY— Does the candidate have demonstrated wisdom and proven experience on defense and foreign policy issues? Does he or she truly believe in a policy of “Peace through Strength” and have a credible plan to rebuild the military, and a plan to protect our borders and national sovereignty?
5. ISRAEL AND RADICAL ISLAM— Does the candidate have a clear and coherent view of U.S. vital interests in the Middle East, including a demonstrated, consistent, long-standing support for Israel and a solid understanding of why Israel matters to the U.S.? Does the candidate have a clear understanding of the urgency of the threats posed by Iran, ISIS, and Radical Islam more broadly, and a serious approach towards dealing with such threats?
6. ECONOMIC GROWTH— Does the candidate have a realistic vision of how to revive the growth of the American economy and family incomes by unleashing free market forces and job growth? Has the candidate and his team subjected their plan to economic modeling? Does the candidate have a plan for America to achieve tax reform and energy independence; a serious approach to reforming and strengthening Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; a credible plan to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, balance the federal budget and stop borrowing from foreign countries?
7. THE RULE OF LAW— Can we trust this candidate to truly govern according to the entire U.S. Constitution? Does he or she have a deep understanding of the importance, in particular, of the First and Second Amendments? Does he or she have a deep and convincing commitment to clean up the scandals in Washington and restore the rule of law in America, based upon the U.S. Constitution?

Rosenberg et al conclude: To be clear: it won’t be enough this time around for a candidate to simply have the “right position” on issues that matter to Evangelicals. We will need to see longstanding leadership on these issues. And we will need to see specific reform proposals…that said, effective governance requires more than men and women with solid experience and the right ideas. It also requires men and women with the demonstrated ability to lead in three key areas (summarized extracts below):
-TEAM-BUILDING: Does the candidate have a team of political advisors, strategists, pollsters, and policy advisors who have a proven record of winning, and does he or she listen to wise counsel
-FUND-RAISING: Is the candidate capable of assembling a team of major donors, bundlers, and grassroots supporters who can truly fund a winning national campaign? 
-COMMUNICATIONS: Does the candidate have the wherewithal to earn the nation’s trust to be the next president of the United States in word and deed? Does he or she have the ability to connect with voters who might not have considered voting conservative or Republican in the past? Is their rhetorical and personal style one of offering hope as opposed to pessimism? In this high-speed, high-tech media culture, does he or she consistently demonstrate the ability to truly and effectively communicate a powerful message of American Renewal at home, and American leadership abroad, or at least give evidence of the ability to grow more effective as a communicator during the course of the campaign?

This in-depth analysis will certainly prove valuable to evangelicals– particularly those in the Republican Party. Another question would be: from the existing list of potential candidates, are there one or more perceived “frontrunners” that “fit the bill”? A recent report run by Charisma News suggests that the race has already narrowed down to a choice between Sen. Ted Cruz and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. It remains to be seen how accurate that assessment will be. In the meantime, Christians everywhere would do well to earnestly pray, Biblically vet all prospective candidates and get then as active as they can towards supporting the most Biblically principled and capable of the candidates.

Considering the myriads of key issues at stake, the 2016 elections may turn out to be the United State’s most critical presidential vote ever – with a significant impact on the rest of the world as well. 

Read more at http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/2015/January06/064.html#gsRxeLLchozlwBoe.99

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